Phil’s note: Today, I’m passing along one of the conversations that Daily Cut editor Chris Lowe and I had while we were both in South Florida to record my briefing on the Eleventh Hour…

As a reminder, the Eleventh Hour is the stage we’re at in the real estate cycle… and the moves you make today could make or break your retirement.

You won’t see this stage again for 20 years. So if you didn’t get a chance to watch my briefing yesterday, we’ve got a replay up until Thursday at midnight. I urge you not to miss it…

Chris Lowe: You’re not a household name. But you’re arguably the greatest economic forecaster of our time. You predicted all the major market moves over the course of your 30-year career. That includes the dot-com crash in the early 2000s, the 2008 Great Financial Crisis, and the pandemic-induced crash in 2020, plus the recovery that followed. How did you first become interested in economics?

Phil Anderson: I’ve always had a bent for economics. At 12, while the other lads in my class were swapping football cards and playing marbles, I was collecting the business news. Sad, I know. But there you have it.

I still have my first cutting from a copy of the Sydney Morning Herald from 1974. It was about an economic downturn in Australia, where I grew up.

Some pundits were saying taxes were too high. Others blamed a weak banking system. Others still were pointing their fingers at inflation. I remember wanting to know which of these camps was right… if any.

I ended up earning an accounting degree and taking some economics classes as part of that. Could I explain to myself what caused the 1974 recession once it was in the rearview mirror?

No, I couldn’t. Neither could my economics professors. This was a major issue for me. I thought, “I’ve got to do something about this. I’ve got to find the answer.”

It seemed to me that, if you understood what drove economic cycles, you ought to be able to make accurate forecasts. But that’s not how it works in mainstream economics. You get all these different forecasts. And all of them are completely wrong! So, I thought the best thing to do was to prove it either could or couldn’t be done.

Chris: How did you do that?

Phil: I came across a book called The Power in the Land. It’s by a British journalist and economist called Fred Harrison. It shows that land speculation is what causes economic crashes.

That changed my life. I saw that you could start making decent forecasts using Harrison’s insights.

As it turned out, roughly two decades later, Harrison was one of the first people to predict the 2008 global financial crisis. In 2005, he commented that the next property market “tipping point” was due at end of 2007 or early 2008. And he warned that the only way prices could be brought back to affordable levels was a “slump or recession.”

Chris: What did he base these predictions on?

Phil: He was one of the first to identify the length of the real estate cycle. He traced the British property market back for hundreds of years and concluded that you could trace boom-busts cycles in the real estate market on average every 18.6 years.

After reading Harrison’s book, I did my own research. And I discovered that land prices in the U.S also collapse, on average, every 18.6 years. So do the banks. But it’s land price that goes first.

After understanding this cycle, it became possible to make accurate market forecasts.

Chris: You don’t just forecast cycles in the real estate market. You also forecast stock market cycles. How does that work?

Phil: Most people either forecast the real estate market or the stock market. But I tell my subscribers that real estate investors need to understand the stock market… and stock market investors need to understand the real estate market. They’re closely related.

I’ll give you two examples…

At the bottom of 18.6-year cycle, the stock market leads the way into the next upcycle. The bottoming of the bear market in stocks in March 2009, for instance, was the clue to real estate investors that the cycle was finished and we’re into a new one.

If you’re a real estate investor, knowing this a huge advantage. You’ll have more backbone when you’re buying at those extreme lows sitting on that information.

And at the top of the cycle – which we’ll shift into over the next couple of years – the real estate market peaks first. So, if you’re a stock investor, you should be watching land prices and the prices of stocks that operate in the real estate business.

If we go back to the peak of the stock market in 2007, the homebuilders and the land developers warned it was coming. They peaked in 2005. That was a hint for stock market investors to get more defensive with their portfolios.

Chris: Where are we now in the cycle? We’ve even seen trouble in the banking system. This has led lot of analysts to conclude that markets are toast. Do you agree?

Phil: Gosh, no! First, what happened with Silicon Valley Bank (“SVB”) is a unique case.

SVB lent to Silicon Valley, not to real estate firms. And what brought it down was a run on deposits… and not toxic loans like in 2007 and 2008. So, it’s easy for the Fed to backstop the banks. And that’s what it’s done.

It’s painful for the people involved… especially SVB shareholders. But it’s not that hard on the economy in general. Besides, the boom-bust cycle is 18 to 20 years long. So, we’re not due another crisis until mid-decade.

Chris: That goes against the grain of what a lot of people are feeling. There’s a lot of bearish sentiment right now. How can you be so sure we’re not at the peak of the cycle already?

Phil: When the cycle peaks, and we get the next big downturn, your bank is not going to ring you up to say, “How can we help you?” It’s going to call you and say, “You owe us money. Pay it up now or get out of your house.” They’re just not going to be friendly.

That will be the cue for you to become more defensive with your portfolio. But we’re not there yet. If history is judge, 2025 or 2026 is when we’ll see the top of this current cycle.

That’s why I put together the Eleventh Hour event. Despite the doom and gloom in the press, this is one of the best times during the cycle to be an investor. It is the “growth at all costs” stage. So, I expect markets will turn upward from here.

This is great news for the investors who understand these cycles. Put simply, we have been granted more time to make money.

The last time I saw an Eleventh Hour moment was 20 years ago. And I went nine for nine on the investments I recommended to my subscribers. And average peak gain on those trades was 485%. I was also able to buy distressed commercial real estate for pennies on the dollar.

That’s what I mean when I say the opportunities here are transformational… if you’re prepared.

I retired in my 40s thanks to my ability to predict markets. I was able to act on major swings before they happened instead of reacting once the turning points passed.

And I passionately believe that others can do the same. That’s why I’m so happy to be getting my message out to as many folks as possible.

Chris: Thanks, Phil.

Phil: My pleasure, Chris.

P.S. I spent a couple of days getting to know Chris while he was in Florida last week. He was skeptical at first… but I convinced him that the 18.6-year real estate cycle is worth paying attention to.

I understand being skeptical… so all I ask is for you to keep an open mind while I present my evidence.

I urge you to watch my interview with Chris. I’ll tell you more about what we’re in for at this stage in the real estate cycle… how to play it… and unveil my brand-new product – the first to a U.S.-based audience.

Check it out right here. The charter member offer expires at midnight tomorrow.

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