Imre Gams

Good Trading Shouldn’t Be an Adrenaline Rush

If you ask most people, they’d probably say that a good trade is one that makes money.

The Federal Reserve Won’t Save Us

Contrary to popular opinion, anybody can be a trader. And master currency trader Imre Gams can show you how…

If You’re Trading the News, You’re Going to Lose Money

Nomi hands the reins to colleague and expert trader Imre Gams... who reveals one reason most traders wind up...

It Just Ain’t So…

The investing world you've understood for the past 30 years or so is over... And the biggest risk for...

If You’re Trading the News, You’re Going to Lose Money

Two of our master traders have developed a breakthrough trading strategy. And it’s notched a 79% win-rate over the...

$7.4 Trillion Changes Hands in This Market Each Day

In a special and private conversation between Nomi Prins and Imre Gams, they explore the world’s largest and most...

A Three-Step Process for Managing Trading Risk

Currency trading is an overlooked area of the market that can hedge your portfolio against stock market losses. But...