Markets only care about two things: money coming in and money going out. There’s good news for investors who see what’s coming: a market distortion with massive opportunity…
Nomi answers this week’s reader questions about compensation of CEOs… currencies used in trade… and one her specific trade recommendations.
Nomi Prins, an investigative journalist, best-selling author, and former global investment banker, has made an important discovery. It has to do with The Great Distortion – a huge moneymaking opportunity for investors who know where to look…
As the electric vehicle megatrend takes off, there’s another metal that will be invaluable… tough to source… and highly profitable.
One metal will be key in the electric vehicle revolution… and the U.S. government is fighting to regain its position in this market.
Nomi comes to us from Austin, Texas… where some of the world’s largest tech companies are setting up shop.
Nomi shares a special excerpt from her 2018 book on how China is using its growing economic power to push its agenda…