Tom Dyson

Debase the Dollar, Stimulate Inflation, Manage Federal Debt

There’s no way the federal government can keep up with its debt load… unless it manipulates the value of the dollar...

The U.S. Dollar Is Growing Weak, Lazy

There is too much money supply relative to the total transactions happening, so each individual dollar isn’t being asked...

World Travel Reunited My Family

Before this trip, I was more of a babysitter to my kids than a father. I had no connection...

Expect a Surplus of Crude Oil for Years to Come

Demand for oil has plummeted, yet producers haven’t slowed down. And with limited storage for excess oil, we could...

The U.S. Government Has Acquired Too Much Debt

What happens when governments take on too much debt? They are eventually forced to deleverage and recapitalize… in gold

What You Need to Know About the Oil Market

You can’t “just” turn an oil well off. And you can’t “just” turn it back on again afterwards. So...

Oil Producers Experience Devastating Drop in Demand

As COVID-19 halts most air travel, driving, shipping, and trucking, oil producers are stuck with huge excesses of crude...