Bill Bonner

Why We’re Not on the Trump Bandwagon

It should be obvious that spending more than your income – with no plausible plan for bringing the two numbers into balance – will eventually cause bad things to happen...

How America Goes Full-Venezuela

Venezuelans are living… or dying… through the most hellish economic catastrophe of the 21st century...

Ireland’s “Great Crumble”

Readers may be curious, as we were. How come Ireland has a housing crisis?...

America’s “Light Unto the World” Is Now a Bonfire

Politics demands basic plots… ones the masses can follow. Good guys versus bad guys. Us versus them...

Here’s What Uber Is Really Worth

If Uber stays on the road it is on now, it will end up in the ditch, along with...

The Nice Thing About Donald Trump…

He’s a performance artist for whom truth and lies are more or less the same thing...

How “Megapolitics” Destroy Wealth

Sometimes, megapolitics lead us towards peace and prosperity. And sometimes, they don’t...