Bill Bonner

What the Super Bowl and the Crusades Have in Common…

Among the most powerful, most atavistic, and most disastrous of our programming is "us vs. them"...

Who’s Going to Cut Down the Fairy Tree?

Nobody wanted to cut it down. Because there would be a curse on whoever did...

Is America Really the “Good Guy”?

Either the good guys win or the bad guys do. How they know which is which has always been a...

Bill Bonner’s Grand Strategic Plan Revealed

Today, we let you in on another impractical investment plan... But it looks easier to do than it really...

On the Front Lines in Nicaragua

Sooner or later, this government is going away. And Nicaragua will still be here...

Investors Will Fight This Trend… And Lose

In almost everything and almost everywhere, what went up so delightfully is coming down… painfully...

The Real Problem With AOC’s Tax Hike

Doom is around the corner. But not because of Ms. Ocasio-Cortez and her tax hike...