Bill Bonner

China Isn’t Ready to Be the World’s Leading Economy

China’s economy is hardly the super pooch it appears to be…

What to Expect as World Trade Slows and Bonds Signal Recession

Getting a handle on economics requires more than books and theories. It needs a punch in the face from...

Trump Needs the Trade War to Maintain the Illusion of a Strong Economy

Mr. Trump’s main reelection selling point is the economy. So he needs to maintain the illusion that our economy...

The Greatest Political Leader of All Time

It would be easy to dismiss America’s president as a moron. But he’s much more than that…

Monetary Policy Won’t Solve the Next Financial Crisis

The Fed will print fake money. Congress will spend it. Deficits will double. And debt will expand…

Our Fake-Money Bubble Will Burst

The geniuses on TV tell us this stock market boom can go on indefinitely. But no bubble has dodged...

The President Will Do Whatever It Takes to Get the Fed to Further Cut Rates

Markets and economies are hard to predict. But politicians are panes of glass.