Bill Bonner

Bill Bonner Takes Feedback, Responds to Criticism

Over the last few months, Dear Readers wrote in with criticisms for Bill. Now, he’s responding to those messages…

COVID-19 Update From Argentina

We'll be spending the next few months in the valley... switching up our normal routines...

New Federal Programs Would Further Stifle Economy

How will these programs be funded? Tax revenues are collapsing. Deficits are exploding...

We Are Fighting a Public Health Crisis, Not a War

The feds aren't fighting COVID-19. The feds are fighting a man-made economic disaster... while doctors, nurses, and hospitals fight...

Coronavirus Stimulus Spans Government Departments, Sectors

Instead of going to the places the money was really needed, the CARES Act provided funding to the best-connected...

CARES Act Enables Big Business to Score Small Business Cash

Instead of having to reach into their pockets to keep their businesses going, big business cronies reach into our...

U.S. Is Following in Argentina’s Economic Footsteps

Excessive money-printing... sky-high debt... no lender to fill the gap... we're headed for major inflation...