Bill Bonner

The Universal Lockdown Is a Sin Against Humanity

The excuse for locking everyone in his home is to “save lives.” But Federal Reserve policies will save no lives; not a single one. We will all die anyway...

Making Sense of the COVID-19 Lockdown, Financial Repercussions

The economic recession we're currently experiencing wasn't due to the virus itself. It was caused by the feds' asinine...

Investigating Vandalism in the Valley

The originarios stole our sepo... burned down our cabins... and wrecked our corral. Now, the policia are investigating.

Coronavirus Shutdown Could Cause Massive Small Business Casualties

Almost half of America’s small businesses expect to be shuttered in six months, concludes the latest survey from the...

Don’t Bet on America

The country Buffett won’t bet against looks like a bad bet to us...

Claiming Settled Land: An Argentine Rebel War

For the last few years, we’ve tried a policy of détente. That is, we left them alone... Until the...

An Analysis of Trump’s Presidential Track Record

Dear Readers accuses Bill of both loving and hating the president of the United States, Donald J. Trump. Bills...