Bill Bonner

Mr. Market Will Have the Last Laugh

Think people are unhappy now? You ain’t seen nuthin’ yet...

The Most Absurd Myth of the 21st Century

In these diaries, of course, we have deconstructed various elements of this dream many times...

The Trouble With “The Wall…”

Trump, Obama, Bush – all of them just kept shoveling. And with so much dirt flying, we hardly noticed...

Donald Trump: Swamp Man

Elected to drain the Swamp… what a hoot it would have been to see Donald J. Trump actually try...

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: A Danger to The Nation

Free tuition! Free medical care! Jobs for everyone! ...

Trump Is Trapped

Doing nothing is generally underrated... neither the president nor the Fed can do much anyway...

One Mistake Dooms Investors…

Both the Fed and the president still have investors’ backs. Or so the punters think...