Bill Bonner

Trump Has Found His “Stimulus Guy”

In the meantime… we watch, we wait, and we wonder what the hell is going on.

A Bomb Cyclone Is Headed for Stocks

This is a big subject… with many moving parts… so let’s go slowly. Step by step… piece by piece.

At Least in the Country, They Survive…

There’s a long, bumpy road ahead... But at least, we think we know where we’ll end up.

Three Reasons Why America Can’t Get a Grip

The first barely began… the second, not at all... And, finally, we come to reason No. 3...

Paul Volcker Can’t Save Us This Time…

But wait… surely there’s some way out… a way to slow down… and get back on track.

All Aboard the DebtBall Express

But wait, can nothing be done to prevent the coming train wreck? Why can’t debt just be “written off”?

Firebombs in Paris

“Thank God we don’t live in Paris or Argentina,” you might say to yourself. But that’s just the point;...