Bill Bonner

We’re Raising the Crash Flag

Pundits believe the bull market in stocks will live forever. Our guess is that they are wrong.

Should Jesus Have Gone to College?

It’s grit and gumption that pay off; not college degrees.

“It’s Not God’s Fault. It’s Man.”

There are some things we can make happen. And some things happen to us.

What if America Tried Capitalism?

Where it will end up, no one knows; but wherever it is… it is where it should be.

Our Trip to Soviet Russia: A Cornucopia of Disaster

There were almost no choices available… and there was no way out… Every deal was win-lose.

What History Teaches Us About Socialism

World improvers don’t allow people to decide for themselves; they want to make the decisions themselves...

“It’s Disfigured, But Still Standing”…

A sad day in Paris... one of its most sacred and beautiful monuments caught fire.