This isn’t our normally scheduled edition of Bill Bonner’s Diary. But we wanted to make sure Diary readers had a chance to see the video at the bottom of this page.

Recently, we’ve been telling you about our colleague Jason Bodner, the editor of Palm Beach Trader. Jason spent years on Wall Street, overseeing multibillion-dollar trades for the world’s biggest firms. And unlike Bill, Jason is very bullish on U.S. stocks. He sees higher stock prices ahead.

Late last year, Jason sat down with Dan Denning, Bill’s right-hand man on The Bonner-Denning Letter. Remember, at the time, the S&P 500 had just fallen nearly 20%. The mainstream press was declaring the bull market in stocks dead.

But Jason Bodner was one of the lone bulls. He predicted that stocks would rebound. That was an unpopular opinion at the time. But he was right.

The S&P 500 and the Nasdaq closed at new all-time highs today.

How did Jason know? What edge did he have that 99% of investors missed?

It’s not our usual beat at the Diary, but Jason’s insights were too intriguing not to share.

Watch the free video below to learn Jason’s secret, and discover what he sees for stocks, going forward.

And if you like what you hear from Jason, be sure you go right here.

The same “secret” that told Jason stocks would rebound is still flashing. Jason believes smart investors could make a small fortune from this. But 99% will miss it.

Get all the details and decide for yourself. Go here.



Van Bryan
Managing Editor, Bill Bonner’s Diary