Tom Dyson

How Environmental Regulations Could Help the Shipping Industry

Over the last decade, shipping companies have struggled to make a profit. Many companies went out of business. But certain environmental regulations could save the companies that are left standing, just scraping by...

Tom’s Mailbag: Inflation, Investing in Silver, and Traveling During the COVID-19 Pandemic

It's time for another edition of Tom's Mailbag. Here, he discusses the government's actions surrounding fiat currencies... how much...

The Benefit of Investing in the Volatile Shipping Industry

As longtime Postcards readers know, Tom and his soon-to-be-wife-again, Kate, have invested most of their savings into gold and...

The Midwest Ski Slopes Are Open

Tom and his family enjoyed their first day learning how to ski on the Grand Targhee slopes in the...

Three Conditions for a Free Market Economy

In this Diary guest essay, Postcards From the Fringe editor Tom Dyson explains the three necessary conditions for regulating...

Tom’s Mailbag: A Cashless Society

Tom answers questions on the future of freedoms in a cashless society... libertarian homeschool education... and investing in bitcoin...

The State of the World, From the Perspective of an Investing Legend

As part of his economic studies, Tom follows investing legend Jim Rogers. Here's Jim's take on China, bitcoin, and...