Teeka Tiwari

Was Bitcoin Manipulated?

Editor’s Note: Bill recently described cryptocurrencies like bitcoin as “an unsolved jigsaw puzzle with the pieces scattered across the floor.” Today, cryptocurrency expert and former hedge fund manager Teeka Tiwari attempts to piece together part of that puzzle. Recent reports from the mainstream financial press claim that bitcoin’s meteoric rise in 2017 was partly due […]

Here’s What Will Ignite the Second Crypto Boom

Editor’s Note: Regular readers know that Bill is skeptical of cryptocurrencies. But plenty of Diary readers are invested in...

This Major Gold Investor Is Buying Into Bitcoin

Editor’s Note: As Bill has mentioned, cryptocurrencies like bitcoin are more of a speculation, not an investment. But with...

One Strategy to Protect Yourself From the Coming Market Crash

Editor’s Note: In the face of record stock prices and nosebleed valuations, colleague and former fund manager Teeka Tiwari...

Why Bitcoin Refuses to Die

Editor’s Note: The mainstream media says cryptocurrencies like bitcoin are only a fad. But Teeka Tiwari, the editor over...

How to Fight Back in the War on Cash

or the past three months, I’ve been pounding the table about digital currencies. They’ve been some of our most...

This “Misunderstood” Tech Is Making Some Investors Rich

Editor’s Note: Teeka Tiwari is a former hedge fund manager and was the youngest VP in the history of...