Jeff Clark

This Market Anomaly Offers a 44-Day Period of Opportunity

Master trader Jeff Clark has secured his biggest wins during the worst markets. Now, he sees one event coming that could send stocks crashing. But he’s developed a strategy that allows you to take advantage and double your money…

The Bottom of the Bear Market Is Coming – And It Spells Opportunity for Savvy Investors

Anyone can do well during a bull market. But it’s what you do during historic lows in the market...

How to Find the Market’s Moment of Capitulation

Nomi’s colleague and master trader Jeff Clark believes we’re headed towards a historic market move we haven’t seen since...

Change the Way You Approach Trading with This Unconventional Wisdom

Nomi hands the reins to master trader Jeff Clark who shares some unconventional trading wisdom… and details on a...

It Pays to Go Against the Crowd

Today, Nomi hands the reins to Rogue Economics friend and master trader Jeff Clark. According to Jeff, a $4...

Three Good Habits of a Great Crisis Trader

While many fortunes are lost in a market crisis, many more can be made in the aftermath. And master...

Three Truths to Master Options Trading

Jeff Clark shares his top three ways to minimize risk and maximize gains in the long run…