Bill Bonner

Debt and Inflation Are Bringing the Economy Down

Only the U.S. government would be able to fix these issues... but now it's too late...

The End of the Longest Economic Expansion in History

No matter how the boom ends, it's been a great party...

The Federal Government’s “Quick-Fix” Money Policies Hurt the Market

Preventing the markets from doing their job will only cause instability in the future...

We Need to Decipher Who Our Real Enemies Are

American society is headed for despair, yet we're too distracted by Deep State-named "enemies"...

Government Officials Have Stepped Into “God” Mode

POTUS made himself judge, jury, and executioner...

In War, Revenge Will Always Lead to Destruction

No matter who or where we are, seeking retaliation will result in our demise...

How Money Printing Contributes to America’s Downward Spiral

America's second most disastrous mistake is frivolous money printing