Bill Bonner

Americans Are Losing Faith in the System

The feds are printing up trillions of worthless dollars, funding programs that the American people would never willingly pay for. People are losing faith in the whole system – its rules… its institutions… and its principles...

An Update on the Originario War

The originarios, or local people who've laid claim to parts of Bill's Argentina property, have taken over two of...

COVID-19 Proved the U.S. Is Mired in Corruption

The government's COVID-19 "saving grace," the Paycheck Protection Program, didn't go much to the small businesses desperate for the...

Government Spending Has Created a Country Dependent on Fake Money

The Federal Reserve enables this spend fest by printing money – “whatever it takes” to keep the jig up. And...

The Market Is Rewarding Foolish Investors

A sane, sensible, sober investor should stay away from U.S. stocks. They're measuring insanity...

Even Donald Trump Is Right Sometimes

The mainstream does everything in its power to make Trump look like a moron. His loyal followers think he’s...

The American Empire Continues its Decline

Out of control deficits and lack of real analysis have put America’s economy between a rock and a hard...