Bill Bonner

The Commencement Address Nobody Wants to Hear

Yesterday was Memorial Day in the US. We used this quiet interlude to continue the commencement address nobody wants to hear... You are heirs to a great society, a great economy, a great government... and more snaky illusions than you can shake a stick at. Memorial Day gave us an opportunity to salute the fallen. Without a moment's hesitation...

Why You Can’t Have Freedom AND Equality

At a dinner party last month, our hostess interrupted the small talk to make a little speech. She told...

To the Class of 2014: Congratulations Chumps!

There are 4,495 colleges and universities in the US. By our count, they reckoned there were at least 4,495...

These Debt Levels Are Crazy…

The Dow posted a big 158 point gain yesterday – about a 1% jump. Gold sank to $1,288 an...

This Hugely Popular Investment Is About to Blow Up

The Dow dropped 137 yesterday. Gold was flat. US stocks are in an historic uptrend; not for 40 years...

Tens of Millions Will Lose Their Jobs

Not much action in stocks... or gold... yesterday. So, let's go back and see what we've figured out recently....

Oligarchs and Poligarchs

When we left you on Friday, we were delighted. We had found a kindred spirit... a like mind... a...