Bill Bonner

How the U.S. Government Insiders Profit

The Biden Bunch wishes to transform the government, making it bigger and better than ever. And because government is inherently reactionary – always trying to protect the old elite who control it –the insiders are going to profit.

What’s Ahead for Oil Companies?

Energy, specifically oil, is on the “buy” side of Bill’s Trade of the Decade. And there’s a big transformation...

The Real Agenda Behind the Feds’ Actions

The feds are leading the charge for a “Great Reset.” They say it’s for the common good… but what’s...

An Update on Cryptocurrency

In theory, cryptos may be a better form of money – better than the dollar or gold. But the...

An Obvious Solution to America’s Economic Problems

Bill has four words for the U.S. feds: Stop printing fake money. It will be very painful… but it...

Why Do Empires Collapse?

A society prospers or declines depending on how much of its vitality is engaged in providing useful goods and...

Rising Prices Make Food, Housing, and Transportation Less Affordable

It doesn’t matter how fast your income rises if consumer prices rise with it… and food, housing, and everyday...