Bill Bonner

The Media’s Role in the U.S. “War Machine”

The swift takeover of the Taliban in Afghanistan begs these questions: Who is responsible for the 20-year, $2.26 trillion war? Why isn’t the media calling for the warmongers to be held responsible?

The Partisan Battle

The U.S. pulls out of Afghanistan after a 20-year occupation. Meanwhile, each political side blames the other for the...

Cancel Culture and Preposterous Policies

Cancel culture doesn’t allow anyone to have a different opinion than the mainstream… and if they don’t agree with...

Massive Funding in Fake Money

The Senate passes both a $3.5 billion spending package and a separate $1 trillion infrastructure bill… to spend money...

Memories of an Old French Home

Bill continues recollecting what it was like refurbishing their old house in France… raising their children, teaching them the...

Poverty Is Becoming the New Wealth

As for wealth… Who needs it? You can now depend on the feds for unemployment… and subscription services in...

A Home Remembers. A House Forgets.

Bill reflects on the difference between a house and a home, as he cleans up his workshop at his...