Bill Bonner

What Will Kill the American Empire

All earthly empires die. Is this the end? Only God knows. – St. Augustine, 413 AD POITOU, FRANCE – Yesterday, in advance of the G7 pow-wow this weekend, Donald Trump tweeted his position on trade: If we charge a country ZERO to sell their goods, and they charge us 25, 50 or even 100 percent […]

America’s Unseen Transformation…

Vernacular: A vernacular, or vernacular language, is the language or variety of a language used in everyday life by...

Why Social Security Must Fail

I think the greatest threat domestically to the country is this $21 trillion debt hanging over the cloud of...

President Trump’s Real Test

PARIS – Well, it’s all settled. This is the greatest economy that the world has ever seen. The president...

Trump’s “War” on Europe

PARIS – “Trump declares war on Europe,” says today’s headline in Le Monde. We came over on the ferry...

Why Trump Is President

The show is Trump, and it is sold-out performances everywhere. – Donald J. Trump, Playboy magazine, 1990 YOUGHAL, IRELAND...

How the Government Became a Deep State Puppet

YOUGHAL, IRELAND – When you’ve got a chainsaw, you cut down a tree. And when you’ve got control of...