Bill Bonner

Why Trump Wasn’t Invited to McCain’s Funeral

As readers keep reminding us, Hillary might have been worse. In her icy grip, the nation would have shivered under orderly, Deep State control. With The Donald in the White House, on the other hand, the plot may be more or less the same; but the show is much more loose, with more funny routines like “Who’s on first?”… more...

“Stool Pigeons” Turn on Trump

Trouble ahead, Lady in red Take my advice you’d be better off dead Switchman’s sleeping, train hundred and two...

Trump’s War With the Fed

POITOU, FRANCE – Yesterday, we were preparing for a train wreck. It’s what happens when the sordid fantasies of...

How the Deep State Impeaches Trump

POITOU, FRANCE – Coming up the tracks from Washington… and getting up steam after the news of the last...

How Bill Clinton’s Fed Twisted the Economy

POITOU, FRANCE – This just in… The man who made America great again in record time – only 18...

With Tears in Their Eyes, They Fired…

PARIS – We came up to Paris to say goodbye to a daughter… who is headed back to the...

MAGA: Mission Accomplished?

POITOU, FRANCE – Well that was easy! After less than two years in office, Trump says it’s “mission accomplished.”...