U.S. Politicians Actually Agree on These Two Main Issues

I’ve spent a lot of time in Washington over the past two decades.

And every time I go for closed-door meetings with legislators… or to speak with anyone from Capitol Hill… one thing astonishes me above all.

Our politicians actually agree on a lot of things.

What frustrates me is that a lot of that never gets reported.

Instead, we get endless political posturing and drama on both sides of the aisle.

That’s why today, I’ll talk about the two main areas politicians from both parties agree on, why it takes so long for government funds to flow, and how you can take advantage of Washington’s money as an investor…

Politicians Shockingly Agree on These Two Issues

When it comes to political drama, the first three weeks of 2023 are a case in point. So much happened.

The year kicked off with a 15-times-the-charm vote to elect a new House speaker. The whole process took four days and required more rounds of voting than any other time since the Civil War.

GOP Representative Kevin McCarthy finally got the spot on January 7.

That episode was followed by the usual squabbling over raising the debt cap.

It’s no wonder that politicians ranked below car salesmen in terms of honesty and ethics. They ranked only a smidge above telemarketers, according to a recent Gallup poll.

Americans trust car salesmen more than they trust members of Congress.

Source: Gallup

But there’s good news for you and your money. Because there actually is common ground between the parties on certain policies – and ample funding for them.

And right now, these center around two of our main Distortion profit themes: Infrastructure and New Energy.

It Takes Time for Federal Money to Travel

How do I know that there’s agreement on Infrastructure and New Energy?

Well, from speaking with Republicans and Democrats on issues from water… to waste… to bridges… to small nuclear reactors. 

For example, take a conversation I had with a senior staffer a few months ago. He works with a congressman who used to be a Democrat but is now a Republican. 

It’s the senior staffers who often get the most done behind the scenes in Washington.

So I asked him: What’s the biggest infrastructure/energy issue right now?

His answer: Regulatory red tape and gridlock. Ironic, coming from a guy who works in government.

He said the biggest issue is getting money from the federal government to local areas. In his case, that means money to build or upgrade bridges, railways, and power grids.

“We know we approved the money,” he told me. “We just need it to get from point A to B and make things happen. My boss and I are looking forward to making that happen in 2023.”

The story goes on…

Two Bipartisan Bills Are Coming to Fruition This Year

A few months after that conversation, I also spoke with the senior staffer of a Republican U.S. House Representative from New York.

The upshot of that conversation was that he agreed with the senior staffer from earlier. His problem is also getting the approved money from the federal government to the local and national companies that will get “the job done.”

I call those companies the winners of government contracts and legislation.

He told me he would talk amongst his colleagues from New York and Pennsylvania off the record, to at least create a tri-state block to push money forward. 

And after having a conversation with the congressman from Pennsylvania, I do believe they’re making some progress.

But as you can see from these situations, the government isn’t particularly efficient. It often takes time for the money approved in a mega-bill to flow out.

As the money flows out of any package, pieces of government spending and tax subsidies galore come into play.

And for two mega-bills in particular, these are finally coming to fruition this year.

This week, I’ll reveal which two bills with bipartisan packing are changing the future of American sectors, and how you can get into the companies that will be winners from these new laws…

Stay tuned for more.


Nomi Prins
Editor, Inside Wall Street with Nomi Prins