Nomi Saw Wall Street Greed First-Hand During Her Time on Wall Street

The year 2000…

Many Americans will remember that as the year they lost their shirts… The dot-com dream ended abruptly for lots of investors, as did their hopes of a comfortable retirement.

But that Christmas, the atmosphere on Wall Street was still jubilant.

And the Goldman Sachs Christmas party in December displayed the usual tasteless excess… We were told to don our finery and put on a show.

I wrote about it in my first book, Other People’s Money, which I published just after I left Wall Street in disgust…

To read the excerpt, follow this link.


Nomi Prins
Editor, Inside Wall Street with Nomi Prins

P.S. I’ve spent the years since I left Wall Street exposing the truth about the shady practices and corporate-political relationships the Street thrives on.

And over the last two years, I’ve developed a way for regular investors to level the playing field…

Now, while I can’t promise you’ll have a bank balance anywhere near JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon’s, I can say that this new strategy is a way for you to make money, rain or shine, whether markets go up or down.

To find out more about it, just click here.

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