AI Has No Conviction

You may have heard about ChatGPT.

It’s a chatbot powered by artificial intelligence that’s taken the internet by storm.

It even provided decent answers when put through a bar exam and a medical licensing exam.

So when you see headlines like this, just ignore them.

It’s hailed as a “Google killer” and the next step in the AI revolution.

We’ll see whether that turns out to be true…

There’s a reason I’m skeptical.

When I see something get this popular, it raises a red flag.

The internet loves its fads. Some of them fade as soon as they emerge.

But I’m also open to new technologies. And I try to approach ChatGPT with an open mind.

But before we go on…

Welcome to Cycles Trading with me, Phil Anderson. My aim with this three-day-per-week e-letter is to introduce you to the most powerful knowledge for building wealth. And that’s learning the importance of the 18.6-year real estate cycle and understanding its key relationship to stocks.

By regularly tuning into this e-letter, we’ll show you how to make the most of any market, why it’s so predictable, and how you can use that information to build wealth.

Will ChatGPT Kill Expert Insight?

So how does ChatGPT respond when you ask it to pick winning stocks?

Well, Bloomberg tried asking the chatbot to produce an exchange-traded fund (or an ETF) that would beat the S&P 500 index and tell the journalists which stocks it picked.

Its response was neither here nor there:

If it sounds to you like a generic response you’d get from a mainstream financial advisor, you’re absolutely right.

This bot has no conviction. It can read millions of pages of financial literature and research, but when it comes to making decisions… it can’t produce anything actionable.

Yes, there are other AI-powered strategies that hedge funds and other institutions use. They look at data and trends and try to understand stock market sentiment.

This “revolutionary” technology is nowhere near as sophisticated or confident as you’d expect it to be, given that it can absorb millions of times more information than a research analyst.

It’s indecisive. It doesn’t know what’s important. Dare I say it, but it has no clue about long-term cycles that drive stocks, real estate, or commodities.

That’s why the 18.6-year cycle is so important. It provides the data and the evidence to know where and when the markets are going in the future.

It’s like clockwork. By now, you should know that. Stick with me and I’ll reveal more about the 18.6-year cycle in the days, weeks, and months ahead.


Phil Anderson
Editor, Cycles Trading with Phil Anderson